Your Trusted Tactile and Stair Nosing installers.

Anti Slip Tactiles completed job at Newcastle Baths


We supply and Install all types of tactiles from stainless steel, brass, polyurethane and fibreglass. We can work with your architects early on in the project to discuss the most suitable tactile type that will compliment the overall look of your stairs / ramps while meeting Australian Standards and building codes. While we specialise in new high end commercial projects we also can help with bringing existing buildings up to code.


Stair Nosings

We supply and install all stair nosings profiles suitable for new builds or existing non compliant stairs. Stair nosings are mandatory for all public spaces and drastically reduce the risk of slips and falls due to the visual contrast strip and added grip on the nosing edge. Its important to choose the correct stair nosing profile and contrasting insert strip to meet the Australian Standards and building codes. Our team can visit your site with samples to discuss the most suitable profile and insert to suit your project.


Skate Deterrents

Skate Deterrents are the ideal way to protect property from damages caused by skaters and alleviate costly repairs. These are often overlooked at the time of new builds. Talk to us about which style and size would suit your project.


Repairs & Maintenance

Contact us for any repairs or maintenance on existing tactiles or stair nosings.


Australian Standard Compliance Consult

We offer an Australian standard compliance audit to assist in complying with todays standards and codes. Contact us to arrange a building walk through with one of our experienced staff members. A detailed document will be issued outlining each area and the products recommended to bring your stairs and ramps up to code.

Expert Repair & Maintenance Service

Our Repair & Maintenance service ensures your tactiles and stair nosings remain safe and effective. We also specialise in the removal and replacement of existing tactiles on train platfoms.

Our experienced team will provide timely and reliable solutions tailored to your needs. All works can be completed outside of usual hours and weekends to avoid any disruption.


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Or call Aaron on:
0416 206 188